It has not be easy, since I came out from my comfort zone and getting involved in small businesses. It took months to realized what works and what won't. So much time and effort to put in, sometimes wasted and for unworthy reason. I can't deny some experiences are painful but I never regretted of the steps I've taken, either for better or worse I know i'm growing stronger and wiser each day.
Like Isak Dinesan quoted "“Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever...”
At this stage, I just want to move on and work on what I love most (like making jewelries & etc). There are times when I was stressed and down, I can't think of any new or creative ideas. But once a while, those ideas just keep on pouring in...I guess just need to practice more often.
For this new range, the necklace are customed in such ways to be adjustable...
- high or low wear
- 1 or 2 layers
- with or without the pendant
Come check it out!
Item name: Popsicle
Price: RM 35.00
Is named popcicle because of the candy pop colours combination. The necklace can be wear with or without the pendant, it can be taken out easily. Is great with casual wear with bright colours shirt.
Item name: Blue Bubbles
Price: RM 30.00
The colours combination is inspired from a ribbon I bought from the mall the other day. Green, blue and navy blue. I customed this long necklace to be adjustable to high or low neck at few levels. You can also wear it without the ribbon pendant, it can be easily taken out.
Item name: the Punk
Price: RM 45.00
the Punk is for you who like it loud and with little gothic style, but I've also combined it with some feminine elements as well. This necklace has 2 layers but the additional layer can be taken out, and adjusted at various level...allows you to re-style it with your own creativity and preference.